PHY250-5 (Winter 06)
Extra Dimensions and New Ideas in Particle Physics

Instructor: Hsin-Chia Cheng (

Time & Place: Tue & Thu 10:30-11:50, Walker Annex 113

Office Hours: Tue & Wed 3:00-4:00, 433 Phy/Geo or by appointments

Prerequisite: PHY230AB, PHY245ABC or Instructor's consent

Textbook: None. References will be given in the classes. Some useful review articles and sources of references are: J. Hewett and J. March-Russell in The Review of Particle Physics,, V.A. Rubakov, hep-ph/0104152, C. Csaki, hep-ph/0404096, R. Sundrum, hep-th/0508134.

Grading: A presentation and a final report on a topic chosen by the individual student. Some possible topics will be suggested during the course. The students should notify the instructor their topics by Feb. 23 (Thu). The final report is due on Mar.21 (Tue).

Outlines of the course
